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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Russia celebrates Constitution amid change

MOSCOW (AP): President Dmitry Medvedev on Friday defended his proposal to extend the presidential term from four years to six, saying it would adapt Russia's post-Soviet Constitution to 21st Century conditions.

Medvedev's proposal, made last month, seems certain to change the constitution for the first time since it was adopted 15 years ago. Some observers believe the move prepares the way for Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to return to the presidency.

Kremlin critics have denounced the plan as an effort by Putin and Medvedev to extend their grip on power. They say it would violate the spirit of the constitution by decreasing voters' control over government.

Medvedev used a Constitution Day address in the Kremlin to defend the proposal. It won quick approval from parliament _ which is by dominated United Russia, Putin's political party _ and is now sailing through compliant regional legislatures.

``The constitution is a fundamental document,'' Medvedev said. ``But that doesn't mean that we can't look at the constitution through the eyes of modern people, people who live in the 21st century.''

Although Putin was popular, he was constitutionally barred from seeking a third consecutive term as president. His chosen successor, Medvedev, won the post in March by landslide.

Putin has said the term extension was not tailored for him and would boost democracy. But the push to enact the constitutional change just months after Medvedev's election has led to speculation that Medvedev's term could be cut short so Putin could assume the presidency again.


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