Its festival time for all MGR fans again, as they’ll get to see their purathchi talaivar entertaining them once again on silver screen. This time its going to be a animation film. Chennai-based Mayabimbham Media which has the record for producing the first Tamil 3D animated feature Inimey Naangathaan V4 has recently announced their next 3D animated Tamil film Puratchi Thalaivan, based on former actor and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MG Ramachandran. The film is currently under production and is slated for a late 2009 release.
Puratchi Thalaivan (a title that was given to MGR), which is also in 3D, is being directed by Venky Baboo and produced by Sridevi Rao for Mayabimbam Media Private Limited. It will portray the best of the legends style and mannerisms. Heroine of the film is not yet finalised, but the buzz is that the competation is between Trisha, Shriya and Nayantara.
A trailer would be released next year on January 17 to coincide with the icon’s 92nd birth anniversary.